Simple Betta Tank Setup Guide

betta splendens siamese fighting fish

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteThe Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens), also known as the “Betta”, is a freshwater fish native to Thailand (formerly Siam) and present in neighboring Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. While commonly known and marketed in the global aquarium trade as the “Betta”, it is one of 73 species … Read more

How does job security impact employee performance?

Work Hard for Job Security

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteWhat is job security? Simply put, it may be defined as the probability that an individual will retain his/her job. The higher the job security, the less likely a person is to lose his/her job. In fact, several studies have indicated that job security is directly related to employee … Read more

MySQL Database Connection from Host to Guest Virtual Machine

MySQL Database

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteMySQL is a relational database management system which is popularly used in web applications and other light-weight software systems. In this article, we shall walk through the process of connecting to a MySQL database server running on a guest operating system inside a virtual machine. Install MySQL Workbench on … Read more

LEMP Stack Setup Guide with Firewall and FTP Configuration

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteThe Complete LEMP Stack Setup Guide For Beginners (Download PDF) LEMP Stack Setup L – Linux (Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS) E – NGINX (NGINX 1.14.0) M – MySQL (MySQL 14.14 Distribution 5.7.29) P – PHP (PHP7.2) Pre-requisites 1 VPS Server: 4 GB RAM, 2 vCPU (AWS), 100 GB Hard Disk … Read more

The Complete Goldfish Tank Setup and Care Guide

Goldfish Aquarium

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteOrnamental fish-keeping, as a hobby, has been around for several thousand years. Hobbyists may choose from a variety of freshwater and marine species to keep as pets in an aquarium or fish tank. It not only serves to beautify its surroundings but also acts as a great stress-reliever. An … Read more

Cyclone Fani: How India saved more than a million lives and averted a disaster of epic proportions

Cyclone Fani, Odisha

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteWhen a natural calamity of epic proportions strikes, humans are mostly rendered helpless. However, proper use of technology may help us prepare for the worst and minimize loss of precious lives. This was evident in the way India managed early warning and disaster relief operations and rescued more than … Read more

Unreal Reality

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteAccording to popular definition, reality is the state or quality of having existence or substance. It also refers to events that have actually happened and those which are being perceived as happening at the moment. Therefore, reality is a state which can be perceived by the five fundamental senses, … Read more

Mission Shakti: India’s ASAT test and its geopolitical implications


Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteIndia announced on 27th March, 2019 that it had successfully terminated a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite in space using an indigenously developed anti-satellite missile system. The test, code-named Mission Shakti, was fully successful and achieved all parameters and met desired objectives. An ASAT test requires an extremely high … Read more

The Nature of Matter

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteWhat is matter? According to popular definition, anything that occupies space and has mass is known as matter. It is distinct from energy (physics), mind and spirit. For example, a stone is made of matter; so is wood, metal, plastic, rubber, water, air, etc. Even the human body, all … Read more

Multiverse and Multiple Dimensions

Viewer RatingYou must sign in to voteThe Human mind can perceive only four dimensions. The first three being physical dimensions such as length, breadth and height, and the fourth being the Time dimension. That is why we can see, hear, feel and touch only those entities which exist in the three dimensional world. Our sensory … Read more