Grey skies surrounding me,
Fleeting dreams of you.
Walking down New York City,
Holding your hand while it drizzled a bit,
Cold it was with that messy hair of yours,
Your tired skin with your everly eyes,
Intoxicated we, running down Manhattan with wind freezing our hearts.
People lost in translation, words failed to hold you back.
You ran through the golden fields as the summer wind played through our hearts.
Oh to be ALIVE!
The one storeyed house of ours in Italy
The moon flooded our room while we mad.e love;
The starved, naked, fear stricken me felt a rush to the head when you kissed me;
You made me blush as winds rattled my house of cards.
Fall came.
As we sat near the crackling bonfire, singing songs on your guitar,
The ghastly forest bungalow overlooking us while hyenas cried afar.
Keeping each other warm, we kissed and fell asleep when you woke me up.
Sunlight lit up my room when I opened my eyes while Bono kept singing
“I still haven’t found what I am looking for…”
Very nice.